Transform Your Body and Reset Your Health
In Just 28 Days!

Diet is the #1 reason most people don’t look or feel the way they want.

In just 28 days, a certified GFit Nutrition coach will guide you step-by-step to get the body & health you can be proud of.

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Christina lost 25 pounds in 2 months
It's all real food and the program is extremely easy to follow. Physically I had less bloating and was less tired.
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Kayla lost 13 pounds in 28 days
GFit set up our family for a lifetime of healthy, nutritious eating.
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Zul lost 24 pounds & 7 inches
The gfit program has changed my life for the better in so many ways. Thank you!! 🫶
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Nicole has transformed on GFit!
Being able to use the recipes for my family is another plus.
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Remi lost 16.5 pounds in 6 weeks
I am understanding my body better and making choices based on what I've been learning.
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Leigh is a new person!
I started to fall into a funk after my second baby. To say it's changed my life is an UNDERSTATEMENT. I feel like a new person. It's so eye opening.
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Cheryl lost 15 pounds in 3 months
It's easy and it's working. Figuring out macros is a whole thing I don't want to get into.
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Fabio lost 24 pounds and 7.5 inches in 56 days
I feel confident, I feel happier, stronger than ever. Everyone is saying how much I changed.
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Gianna and Eric lost 100 pounds as a couple
I want to thank you for GFit. It literally changed our lives.
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Brandon lost 14 pounds in 28 days
I am understanding my body better and making choices based on what I've been learning.
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Katie lost 50 pounds in 5 months
5 months ago was the beginning of a new way of life.
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Bryan lost 80 pounds following GFit
Losing 80 pounds on this program has changed my life.
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Laura lost 30 pounds in 7 months
It was so simple to follow and honestly became a habit quickly. It doesn't feel like you are on a diet.

GFit Nutrition is the
healthy & sustainable lifestyle
you've been looking for!

Too many programs are extreme, unhealthy, and just ignore common sense. GFit is changing lives because it's practical — our 5 keys to success will help you finally adopt a healthy lifestyle.

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1. We want you to love how you eat

It must be simple and enjoyable because no one is sticking to an extreme lifestyle they don't like! Our program offers taste and variety, so you enjoy every meal and can keep following it.

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2. We want you to feel nourished

Every recipe within the GFit program accounts for: portion control, blood sugar balance, protein optimization, eliminating processed fats, and reducing common inflamatory foods.

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3. We'll build a plan just for you

A certified nutrition coach will optimize your nutrition plan for your goal, but you'll still pick the meals — no other program does this!

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4. We want to empower you

With our learn-by-doing experience, you will gain confidence in the kitchen and develop healthy eating habits that will last you a lifetime.

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5. You will see and feel results

Results keep you motivated — reduce cravings, bloating, and inflammation while improving your energy, mood, sleep and body composition.

It's easy to stay on track
with meals that...

  • Keep you satisfied because they have the right amount of protein, fats, carbs, and fiber.
  • You never get bored of because you have plenty of choice and variety.
  • You love how they taste without crashing your mood or feeling bloated afterwards!
See all of our meals

You'll never get bored eating the same thing or feel like you're sacrificing.

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We take a holistic approach to nutrition

Having an accurate and simple gameplan is key to your success, but no one likes counting calories! Any meal plan you put together using our program already takes your calories & macros into account.

Our 5 Food Principles are "baked into" every recipe and meal plan found in our program.

1. Calorie Control & Portion Size

We'll show you exactly how much to eat to reach your goals. You'll learn ideal portion sizes.

2. Blood Sugar & Insulin Control

By eliminating sugar from your diet, you'll improve your insulin sensitivity and overall health while also reducing cravings, bloating, and inflammation.

3. Optimize Protein Intake

Having enough protein is vital for hunger control, healthy aging, and building a strong metabolism.

4. Eliminate Trans Fats and Seed Oils

Processed fats are causing inflammation, digestive distress, and cardiovascular disease. Our recipes eliminate these hidden "evil" fats from your diet.

5. Limit Common Inflammatory Foods

Reducing your exposure to food additives, lectins, oxalates, phytates, gluten, and casein will improve your digestion and make you feel better!

A coach will guide you during your 28-day journey, we will not let you fail!

Our 28-day program is a fully-guided learn-by-doing dietary experience that delivers the healthy and sustainable weight loss you've been searching for — there's nothing else like it!

We'll guide you from start to finish... in just 28 days, you'll build new healthy habits to keep living your new lifestyle.

This tranformative experience will change your relationship with food, we guarantee it!

  • You'll have a personal coach to guide you at every step of your journey. You'll have everything you'll need to succeed, nothing is left to chance, just trust the process!
  • During the challenge, we'll keep you accountable and motivated everyday with our unique "Eat and Check Off" approach. Eat and then check off your meal to earn "perfect days" and streaks — this challenge is fun!
  • You will know exactly what and how much to eat, simply by picking the recipes you love. Getting results has never been this simple!

Become empowered with all that you'll learn on this challenge.

  • Daily videos will meet you where you are on this 28-day journey. The videos will start by explaining what you're feeling (and why) as you detox off of sugar & processed food.
  • You'll learn about the most important topics related to food like blood sugar & insulin, calories, macros, meat, plants, and much more. You'll build a strong nutritional foundation that'll last you a lifetime.
  • Develop a positive perspective on diet, so you have a better relationship with weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Day 2 — Detox Symptoms
Day 3 — Fat Burner vs. Sugar...
Day 4 — Restless Sleep and...
Day 5 — Bowels & Constipation
Day 6 — Hunger & Cravings
Day 7 — Week 1 Progress
Day 8 — Why Diets Fail
Day 9 — Quality vs. Quantity
Day 10 — Become a Fat Burner
Day 11 — Exercise & Muscle
Day 12 — Cardio (Fast vs. Slow)
Day 13 — Sleep & Stress
Day 14 — Hormones & Bodyfat
Day 15 — Protein, Carbs & Fat
Day 16 — Carbs Become Sugar
Day 17 — Fat Isn't the Enemy!
Day 18 — Good vs. Bad Fats
Day 19 — Complete Proteins
Day 20 — Nutrition Labels
Day 21 — Manage Expectations
Day 22 — Vitamins & Minerals
Day 23 — Supplements
Day 24 — Plants the Good & Bad
Day 25 — The Truth About Meat
Day 26 — Self Image & Beliefs
Day 27 — Habits & Routines
Day 28 — What Happens Now?


Learn more about our program

Real food that you shop for and make at home.

You'll choose from our catalog of recipes and we'll provide you with the instructions and quantity of ingredients all figured out, no calorie counting.

You will also be able to build custom meal plans using these recipes and we'll make you a shopping list for convenient shopping and meal prepping.

Our recipies are easy to follow and use common ingredients found in most grocery stories.

You will have control, freedom, and variety!

With this program, you will "learn by doing" by making healthy homemade meals!

Don’t worry, we'll show you exactly what to do.

Our program includes simple recipes with basic ingredients and easy to follow cooking instructions.

Our recipies use basic ingredients found in most grocery stores and we even give you a shopping list.

If you can read, you can cook on our program!

We have had so many people say this was one of the most rewarding parts and unexpected benefits of this experience. They were afraid to cook, but now they feel so much more empowered.

You will gain confidence in the kitchen and unlock new habits and behaviors in the process!

You might be spending more on your grocery bills but LESS on food in general...

Yes, meat, eggs, fruit and veggies are more expensive than processed foods; however, we find that most will spend the same or less when they are following our program.

You will be buying real food and cooking meals at home, so you won't be buying overpriced processed junk outside of the house!

You'll be amazed by how much you can save by eating at home and packing a lunch!
The GFit Nutrition philosophy is built around 5 essential food principles for controlling weight and overall health.

Every single recipe in our catalog and any meal plan we create for you has these 5 key principles already "baked in":

  1. Control Calories & Portion Size
  2. Control Insulin & Blood Sugar
  3. Optimize protein intake
  4. Remove seed oils & trans fats
  5. Limit exposure to common inflamatory foods

This program is designed to be a sugar detox by introducing you to a lifestyle that dramatically reduces your reliance on processed food.

Most of our country is struggling with chronically elevated insulin levels (overfed state), excess fluid retention (high blood pressure), mood swings, and cravings.

For this reason we take a very balanced low-carb approach where you can still have things like potatoes, rice, bread, fruit, and veggies because we include the right kinds of carbs and in optimal amounts leading to dramatic changes in how most look and feel.

We also understand the psychological and behavioral components of eating are just as important as the food.

If you want to make this a lifestyle, your routine must be easy & enjoyable while providing you with meaningful results to keep you motivated.

Our goal is to show you that this is possible through our 28 day experience (The GFit Challenge).

Experiencing is believing — with The GFit 28-Day Challenge, you'll feel firsthand that you can enjoy and keep living a healthy lifestyle.

Our aim is to change the trajectory of your health by changing your relationship with food for the rest of your life!
We DO NOT recommend purchasing this program if you are a vegan or vegetarian.

We highly value the health and nutritional value of fish, meat, poultry, and eggs; therefore, they are included within our recipies and meal plans.
You can still use our program if you need to be gluten free. Most of our recipes are gluten free.

For the few recipes that do include gluten, you can easily substitute with gluten-free options or just avoid those recipes.

You will have plenty of gluten-free options to choose from.

You can still use the GFit program if you cannot tolerate dairy.

We have plenty of options to choose from, and in some cases, it would be easy to make substitutes.

Yes, most women report they maintain or increase their supply on our program.

Breastfeeding burns about 500-700 calories per day, so we recommend that you pick that you are active when getting started. This ensures that you getting enough calories to maintain supply.

If you ever did notice a lower supply, you can always increase your calories at anytime by updating your profile.

Absolutely! Unlike other diet programs, our program was designed to support real living.

Our recipes were designed to work well with a partner or within the family environment. We eat the meals in this program with our own families!

Your portion size will be custom to you, but the recipes work well within the household. You will see that each recipe tells you the number of servings it provides.

You can either use the extra servings for the rest of your week or share with your family — our kids love the meals!

Yes and no... our program is realistic, flexible, and more importantly sustainable!

Our program is practical, you can use it in everyday life to maintain your weight — we will show you how to incorporate a reasonable amount of alcohol while using our program (if you choose to partake).

However, if you're trying to get healthy and back on track, we recommend starting off with our life-changing 28 day challenge.

The challenge is meant to be a fully immersive 28-day introduction to healthy living — a detox to optimize your health, and a time to be more strict, focused, and accountable.

We expect you to be 100% committed and abstain from alcohol during a challenge, especially if you truly want to experience the life-changing benefits of the program!

To learn more about the differences between The GFit Challenge and GFit Lifestyle, scroll further down in the FAQ.
No, but...

We are BIG believers in the health benefits of exercise, but you can't outwork a bad diet... weight management is 80% diet and 20% activity.

Yes, this program was developed and perfected in our gyms with thousands of our members, but their spouses (who didn't work out) lost weight eating our meals at home!

Our program works if you DO or DO NOT exercise, our formula accounts for both scenarios.

When you get started, you'll be asked if you exercise and we'll calculate your meal plans accordingly. You can always change your exercise status.

Yes, this is how we live along with many of our high-performing athletes at our CrossFit gym — we believe healthy athletes are better athletes!

But here are some things to consider...

  1. You may notice an initial step back in your performance, since you'll be detoxifying off of processed foods and excess carbs. After your first week or so, you'll begin to adapt to how your body uses energy.
  2. You should never make any radical changes to your diet if you have an upcoming competition or event.
  3. If you are an extremely high performance athlete, you should have a specific nutritional plan that is in support of your specific sport and rate of energy demands (we do offer one-on-one coaching). Our program is for general health that accounts for normal amounts of exercise and activity.
  4. If you have a child that is an athlete, the meals are extremely healthy for them to eat with you. However, you will still need to be sure their energy needs are being met through the other things they eat in a day. This program is custom for you, not them. But the meals are healthy and easy to incorporate into their day.
No, we figure everything out for you and provide you with a meal plan including a shopping list — it doesn't get any easier!

The beauty of our simple program is that you have all the variety, taste, and customization without the annoying process of having to track your calories and macronutrients (carbs, protein, and fats).

You'll choose from our catalog of meals and we'll build you a custom meal plan that fits your macros and caloric needs based on your goal.

Yes, it's this simple...

  1. Pick the meals you enjoy
  2. Make the meals using our recipes
  3. Eat the meals & get the result